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"Enhance your commercial experience through ethical gamification that impacts the world. Turn your ethical values into a value that businesses seek. Become an ethical champion."

ETiX enables an economy where ethically motivated commercial decisions translate into economic benefits for users and businesses, governed by ethical attributes assigned to each financial object:

  • Customer
  • Company
  • Token

By using:

ETiX (NFT stablecoin with ethical attributes that can increase in value)


  • Trust gained by having a high ethical business score
  • Specialized offers for ethical champion users
  • Location of stores with ethical scores and anonymous consumers valuing ethical attributes

Social impact awareness on various levels, leaderboard, gamification, stats, data for market and community size, etc.

Mutually beneficial relationships impacting market development through ethical buying power.

ETiX S.L registered in the EU

CEO: Marius Stadler

Contact: marius.stadler@etix.me